Cycling classes

If you were not brought up in the Netherlands, then there is a fair chance you may never have learned how to ride a bike properly. Especially for these adults we organize cycling classes at 12 locations across Utrecht. A cycling course consists of 10 classes and costs 15 Euro for the entire course. Practice bikes are provided at the locations (free of charge).

Schedule cycling classes adults

Wijk/DistrictDag/DayTijd/TimeStartdatum/First lessonLaatste les/Final lessonLocatie/LocationAdres/Address
Leidsche RijnMaandag/Monday12.30-13.3027-05-202408-07-2024Bij de BurenEerste Oosterparklaan 76, 3544 AK Utrecht
Zuilen (Alleen vrouwen)Maandag/Monday09.30-11.0026-02-202424-06-2024De Uithoek2e Daalsedijk 2-B, 3551 EJ Utrecht
West (Besloten op het Azc)Maandag/ Monday15.00-16.00 18-03-202424-06-2024AZC Oog in AlJoseph Haydnlaan 2, 3533 AE Utrecht
Overvecht zuid (oppas voor kinderen aanwezig)Woensdag/Wednesday09.30-10.3027-03-2024
De JagerTeun de Jagerdreef 1a 3561 JK Utrecht
LombokVrijdag/Friday09.30-10.3019-04-202421-06-2024RosaMalakkastraat 6, 3531 HM Utrecht
KrachtstationAmerikalaan 199, 3526 VD Utrecht
Grebbeberglaan 3, 3527 VX Utrecht
De Nieuwe JutterAmerhof 66, 3522TR Utrecht
De DreefSchooneggendreef 27c, 3562 GG Utrecht
De DreefSchooneggendreef 27c, 3562 GG Utrecht

Schedule cycling classes refugees 6-12 yrs old

Wijk/ DistrictStartdatumLaatste lesDag/ DayTijd/ TimeLocatie/ LocationAdres/ Address
West (Besloten op het Azc)18-03-202424-06-2024Maandag/Monday16:00-17:00Azc Oog in AlJoseph Haydnlaan 2, 3533 AE Utrecht
AANMELDSTOP! Transwijk (kinderen van 4 t/m 12 jaar)20-03-202426-06-2024Woensdag/Wednesday15:00-16:00De VerkeerstuinVreugdenhillaan 50, 3526 ZA Utrecht

I want to learn how to ride a bike!

Do you want our Bikemasters to teach you how to ride a bike? Or do you know someone who could benefit from cycling classes? Do not hesitate and subscribe now!

Leren trappen in etappen / Learn how to pedal in stages

More information

Would you like to know more about the cycling classes for adults before you subscribe? Feel free to contact Bikemaster Piroska: